Getting Started!

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πŸ“‹ Intro

If you are looking at this, you mayhaps be interesting in getting around network blocks on your device? If you are simply looking for a Prox(y) setup, this isn't for that;

Proton configs on ChromeOS

πŸ“‹ Making an IPSec config via Proton

Make a Proton account
A good website to make a burner email for this is don't verify info).
Or you can make your own Proton email and use that here instead.

Go to the Proton accounts dashboard

and note your credentials

πŸ“‹ Create a file using the File Creator

πŸ“‹ Importing files into ChromeOS

Go to chrome://network

Scroll to the bottom and press Import ONC, then upload the onc file
Delete the file and then go to your quick access settings (click the clock)
Click VPN, and then the name you selected
Depending on how used to account is, or how ratedlimited it is. It should a couple seconds. If it dosen't connect right away, try again or wait until later.

πŸ“‹ Video on Creating and Importing

πŸ“‹ Changing your file's region

Getting the hostname

Server Directory

You need another hostname or port to change your file's region, these are listed here


Or you can get this hostname from a .ovpn file. on the IKEv2 page. Download a file from a region you want to emulate.
For example;
Once downloading it, Drag it from the ChromeOS files app into the browser, it should now open in browser Somewhere in the file you should see numbers in this format ##.##.###.###

Changing in file creator

Those numbers are your new hostname to put in the file creator.

πŸ“‹ Video outlining these changes.

πŸ“‹ Prox tools



The all new Go Tool allows you to proxy yourself into different pages using the Ultraviolet framework

Hey! Look, Google But... notice this distinct lack of, in the address bar!

πŸ“‹ Other Tools

Go Tool Details

Find or make an App to use, search for quick access, or look in the settings for some fun options

Web Inspect

Need to launch inspect element but don't have a supported device? Try this...
  1. Copy the code below:
    (function () { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src=""; document.body.append(script); script.onload = function () { eruda.init(); } })();
  2. In the page you want to inspect, click & focus the address bar

    It's this!
  3. Type javascript:, and then paste the code from step 1!
  4. Press enter
  5. Click the βš™οΈ looking icon in the bottom right and have fun!


EZPROX is a web prox tool that simply expects a URL after the first /, you can read about it here


πŸ“‹ Status

Are the websites up?

Self hosting docs

πŸ“‹ Docs for self hosting these tools on your own

