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The all new Go Tool allows you to proxy yourself into different pages using the Ultraviolet framework

Hey! Look, Google But... notice this distinct lack of google.com, in the address bar!

Other Tools

Go Tool Details

Find or make an App to use, search for quick access, or look in the settings for some fun options

Web Inspect

Need to launch inspect element but don't have a supported device? Try this...
  1. Copy the code below:
    (function () { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src="https://go.sillylittle.tech/eruda.js"; document.body.append(script); script.onload = function () { eruda.init(); } })();
  2. In the page you want to inspect, click & focus the address bar

    It's this!
  3. Type javascript:, and then paste the code from step 1!
  4. Press enter
  5. Click the ⚙️ looking icon in the bottom right and have fun!


